Module Description
DISQUS is a comments platform that helps you build an active community from your website's audience. It has awesome features, powerful tools, and it's easy to install.

Drupal Integration

* Display recent comments, popular threads, and other widgets in blocks
* Provide comments on any node type or user
* Views 2/3 integration (number of comments)
* Single Sign-On

Disqus Features

* Threaded comments and replies
* Notifications and reply by email
* Subscribe and RSS options
* Aggregated comments and social mentions
* Powerful moderation and admin tools
* Full spam filtering, blacklists and whitelists
* Support for Disqus community widgets
* Connected with a large discussion community
* Increased exposure and readership


* Using Disqus on Drupal screencast by Vijay Nandwani (as part of Google Code-in 2013)
* Using Disqus Single Sign-On screencast by Vijay Nandwani (as part of Google Code-in 2013)
* Installing Disqus on Drupal 8 by Jayesh Solanki (as part of Google Summer of Code 2014)

Scott from Level Up Tuts put together a great tutorial on how to install Disqus on Drupal 7. He walks you through these steps:

* Download and install the Disqus module into your respective sites directory (sites/all/modules).
* Enable the module in admin/build/modules
* Register your site at
* Visit admin/settings/disqus and set your configuration options depending on what you registered with on Disqus, as well as what node types you'd like Disqus comments to be present on.
* Enable the "view disqus comments" permission at admin/user/access or admin/user/permission for users you'd like to see the comments
* Visit admin/build/block to show some Disqus information in the block regions
* Disable Drupal commenting on the content types for which you have Disqus enabled. This will prevent Drupal comments from being open on new posts.
* (optional) Disable permissions for site visitors to use Drupal comments. This is recommended if you are replacing all new comments on your site with the Disqus system. Otherwise, comments will remain open on your existing content
* (optional) Install the Global Redirect module to enable URL Alias redirects with links from Disqus

Installation for D8
* Download and enable the module.
* Register your websites shortname on
* In the Disqus configuration, set the shortname to what you registered with Disqus.
* Disqus comments can be enabled as fields for any entity sub-type (for example, a content type). On the Manage fields page for each entity sub-type, you can enable disqus by adding a Disqus comments field.
* Alternatively disqus comments can be used on Blocks. You will first need to configure the disqus comment field for any entity sub-type.
* Visit the permissions, and set which users you would like to have the ability to view Disqus threads (recommended for role).

Disqus Migrate Sub-module
There's been quite a struggle getting importing & exporting working properly with Disqus. There is a sub-module that you can enable to handle this for the 6.x branch, but it's in heavy development and should probably not be used in a product environment. To use either Import/Export, you have to register an Application with Disqus hereand fill in both your public and private keys in the main Disqus settings page. Make sure your authentication method is set to the deprecated legacy method. Download the PHP API implementation here and upload the disqusapi folder to your sites/all/libraries folder.

To export:

* Export your comments using the XML method until the API method is fixed, and save the file to your computer.
* Upload the XML file to your Disqus site in the Tools section (generic WXR method), and wait for the import to complete.
* Check for errors after importing, but most comments should have been imported successfully. They will appear automatically on any Disqus-enabled nodes on your website.

To import/sync:

* You can do a one-time import at Comments->Disqus Import. Specify the timestamp you want to import from.
* You can have comments automatically import from Disqus on an interval basis. Turn this on in the import settings at Site Config -> Disqus -> Import. Turning on syncing will query Disqus for any comments that came in since the last import.

Recent work has been done to overhaul the disqus_migrate module (included in this module), and the changes are included in 6.x-1.x-dev. When testing importing/exporting/syncing, you should test with a copy of your Drupal comments and perhaps a test Disqus forum. This module will also be ported to the 7.x branch soon.

Drupal 8 version was initially developed by Jayesh Solanki as part of Google Summer of code 2014 (mentor: Janez Urevc - @slashrsm).

Sponsors include Disqus, ImageX Media, AETN, Acquia and

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Module Summary
This module aims to solve the integration of Disqus features with Drupal websites, including displaying comments in blocks, providing single sign-on, and enabling threaded comments and replies.
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