Module Description
Summary PrevNext (Previous/Next) is a simple module that provides, for any node type you want, two links to the previous and to the next node of the same type.

You can choose for what type of node you want to enable these links through a simple configuration panel. Once you enabled the content types you want, in the "Manage Display" of that types you'll find two new "extra fields": one for previous and one for next link.

This module, also, supports multilingual (i18n module) automatically, basing on the "Multilingual support" configuration of a node type. In this way, it allows the user to browse nodes in the same language.

Moreover, for both links, you'll find separated tpl through which you can customize the html structure, add classes and something like this.

How to use it
* Enable prevnext module
* Enable/disable links on content types from "admin/config/user-interface/prevnext"
* Go to the "Manage Display" of the nodes you enabled
* Enjoy!

Brought to you by This module is created and maintained by bmeme, the italian Drupal Factory.

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Module Summary
The PrevNext module provides links to the previous and next nodes of the same type, customizable through a simple configuration panel and supporting multilingual browsing.
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