Module Description
This module defines a new element for RUN or RUT, these are unique numbers assigned to natural or legal persons of Chile.

RUT like a Field. This module has a submodule to implements the RUT like a field!. Also this have integration with the devel generator, feeds* and migrate*.

*from 7.x-1.1 version.

Example You can use it on your custom forms like this:

... $form['rut_client'] = array( '#type' => 'rut_field', '#title' => t('RUT'), '#required' => TRUE, ); ... That was easy. With this you can forget validate the RUT because this element will do it for you!. Can also validate the RUT on the client side like this:

$form['rut_client'] = array( '#type' => 'rut_field', '#title' => t('Rut'), '#required' => TRUE, '#validate_js' => TRUE, ); For this, the module uses the jQuery Rut Plugin.

Related projects
* Webform Rut: This module add the Rut element for webform.

Project Usage
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Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to solve the integration of RUT numbers as a field in custom forms, automating the validation process for natural or legal persons in Chile.
Data Name



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