Module Description
Libraries provider is a module meant to relieve themes and modules from the loading of and configuration of third party assets.

* Allows to choose wether to load a library from a CDN or the local filesystem.
* Update the version of the library using the interface.
* When to load the minified or the normal version can be configured.
* Replacement libraries for other libraries can be configured.
* The user can choose what variant of the library to load in case there is options.
* When the library has custom options e.g sass variables the different values can be configured.

The module relies on the hook_library_info_alter to apply transformations to the libraries based on what has been configured.

Installation Due to relying on external PHP libraries from to handle connections to the JsDelivr API the module can only be installed using composer.

composer require drupal/libraries_provider:^1Have look at Composer template for Drupal projects to get familiar on how to manage Drupal projects with composer.

Provide libraries This module relies on adding additional data to the mytheme.libraries.yml or mymodule.libraries.yml so for example to load Fontawesome 5:

fontawesome: remote: version: 5.8.0 license: name: Font Awesome Free License url: gpl-compatible: true css: base: type: external minified: true libraries_provider: enabled: true source: npm_name: '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free'The information under the libraries_provider key defines the defaults for this library.

* enabled: When this library is attached it will only load its assets if enabled.

This is useful for disabling optional libraries or loading replacements.

* source: The ID of the plugin that can handle this library by default.

It needs to match the url information provided for the library css and js above.

* npm_name: The ID of this library on NPM to be able to retrieve information.

There is additional properties that can be defined:

* blacklist_releases(array of values): avoid certain versions to be listed.

Sometimes the upstream build is not released correctly or has security problems.

* minified: never, always or when_aggregating(default)

When the upstream release offers only minified versions or only normal versions the default needs to be changed.

* variants_available: list of possible variations of this library.
* variant_regex: the regex that matches the part of the path that needs to be replaced to change to the selected variant.
* variant: default variant.
* replaces: the ID of libraries that are replaced by this library.

Some CSS skins already include the base library so loading the css twice is something to avoid. It can be useful when blundling or compiling libraries in a custom project and some others provided by other modules need to be replaced. The libraries provider ID is formed like NAMEOFMODULEORTHEME__KEYOFTHELIBRARY. Note the two underscores. The KEYOFTHELIBRARY can be obtained from the NAMEOFMODULEORTHEME.libraries.yml file. It similar to the concept of libraries-override but replacing all the assets provided by the library.

An example can be seen at:

Note that a library being enabled does not mean that it will be loaded on every page request. It still needs to be attached from a module or a theme

Source plugins The assets can be attached to the frontend from a CDN or from the local filesystem.

Currently the module implements a plugin for the JsDelivr CDN and another for local libraries in the /libraries folder.

Other implementations for CDNs or ways to load a library can be added to this module, please submit code changes so they can be added to this project.

Loading local assets. It is recommended to define libraries with the jsdelivr CDN so the user experience does not require additional steps but there is many reasons not to use a CDN so is advisable to load libraries from the local filesystem.

The local source plugin is preconfigured to search for the library assuming the asset packagist composer repository is used. So for example to use Fontawesome 5 from this repository

the local source plugin will search for it at libraries/fortawesome--fontawesome-free.

More details on how to add asset packagist repository to a project in the following PR:

Once the asset packagist repository is available and configured to download to /libraries run a command like the following:

composer require npm-asset/fortawesome--fontawesome-freeAnd then the libraries provider UI will have the option of using the local version.

If the goal is to download a library and compile it locally to suit some specific needs, for example using sass variables defined upstream to write your own sass code, this module doesn't help much as the library will be already loaded from the local filesystem, in some specific version and with the configuration chosen at compile time e.g. minification, inlining SVGs, etc.

When the only need is to modify some sass/scss variables from the upstream library the the "custom options" feature can be used (described below).

Custom options Given that the schema of what can be customized for a library is defined for the libraries provider module and the php installation meets the requirements, custom options can be suppplied. At the moment only sass variables are supported but other use cases can be contemplated.

The Drulma theme is an example of this feature.

To be able to compile sass/scss files into css the sassphp extension needs to be installed.

Contributions The project is open to improvements on how to load and discover libraries but also feel free to open any discussion about how to promote and stabilize it further so more modules and themes can rely on it.

Patches on are accepted but merge requests on gitlab are preferred.

Improvements Since is now possible to retrieve information about the versions of the libraries is a future feature might be to receive messages about using outdated libraries.

Real time communication Join the #libraries-provider channel on

Notes This project started as a way to provide libraries for the Drulma theme so at the moment it covers that use case. This includes

* Loading the Bulma CSS framework from CDN or local.
* Replace the the default css with a skin from Bulmaswatch.
* Optionally load the Fontawesome 5 library with the Libraries provider fontawesome module.

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Module Summary
Libraries provider module aims to solve the loading and configuration of third party assets for themes and modules.
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