Module Description
The Components module makes it easier for a theme to organize its components. It allows themes (and modules) to register Twig namespaces and provides some additional Twig functions and filters for use in Drupal templates.

What are Twig namespaces? Twig natively offers a feature called “template namespaces”. Drupal core registers many Twig namespaces so that you can reference the Twig templates from specific modules or themes. For example, you may have seen this:

{% extends "@classy/block/block--system-menu-block.html.twig" %} The text, @classy, indicates the Twig namespace we wish to use when getting the twig template.

Why use a custom Twig namespace? Modern front-end development techniques means a website needs a component library where each component is concerned about a specific design element.

But Drupal core does not yet provide a component library for its design. Instead, Drupal core registers a Twig namespace for every module and theme in your installation (@bartik, @system, etc.) And all of those Twig templates are designed for specific Drupal theme hooks and data (nodes, comments, views, etc.) and must be placed in a /templates directory inside a module or theme.

Ideally, we would put our component library's Twig templates in a separate directory from the Drupal-style Twig templates. But Drupal core makes it very difficult to use Twig templates not placed in a /templates directory.

The Components module allows you to specify a different directory for you component library's Twig files and allows you to register a unique Twig namespace for those files.

Here's how you would register a "myLib" component library; in your theme's or module's .info.yml file, add these lines:

components: namespaces: myLib: - myLibFiles More information For more information about how to use this module, read the Components documentation.

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Module Summary
The Components module aims to solve the issue of organizing components within a theme by allowing the registration of Twig namespaces and providing additional Twig functions and filters for Drupal templates.
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