Module Description
The Straw (Super Term Reference Autocomplete Widget) module provides a new interface for associating taxonomy terms with content using a term reference field. It looks just like a normal placeholder select widget, but it shows the whole tag hierarchy when displaying existing values, and it shows and searches the whole hierarchy when finding matches for the autocomplete dropdown. If term creation is enabled, it also allows a new term to be created along with all of its parents that don't exist already by simply using the >> delimiter.

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Requirements At this time Straw can only be used with term reference fields. As such, the core taxonomy module must be enabled in order to make use of it.

Installation Install this module via composer by running the following command:

composer require drupal/strawConfiguration Configuring a field widget to use Straw requires two steps. First, in the settings for the field, choose the "Straw selection" reference method. Then, for the field widget settings on the Manage Form Display tab, choose "Autocomplete (Straw style)".

Basic usage Once Straw is configured for a field, that field will show all the parents of the selected terms in addition to the term itself. Each level of the hierarchy is separated from the others by two right-facing arrows (>>), and if term creation is enabled for the field, these same separators can also be used between levels of the hierarchy when typing in a new term, and all terms in the hierarchy that don't already exist will get created. For instance, entering "Travel >> Tourist Destinations" will create two terms, "Travel" and "Tourist Destinations", with the latter as a child of the former.

Credits Module development is sponsored by Ashday Interactive Systems.

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Covered By Security Advisory
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Module Summary
The Straw module aims to provide a new interface for associating taxonomy terms with content using a term reference field, displaying the whole tag hierarchy and enabling the creation of new terms along with their parents.
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