Module Description
Improve your Drupal SEO: this module helps you optimize content around keywords in a fast, natural, non-spam way.

We want to give you the best tools available in the Drupal community. The Real-time SEO module works together with the excellent Metatag module.

Features This module checks things you're bound to forget. It checks, whether your posts are long enough, if you've written a meta description and if that meta data contains your focus keyword, if you've used any subheadings within your post, etc. etc.

This real-time page analysis makes sure that your content is loved by both search engines and users!

Roadmap towards version 8.x-2.x #2879061: [meta] Roadmap for version 8.x-2.0 of the Real-time SEO module

The 2.x branch of the module is ready for testing. We are currently releasing alpha versions. We expect the module to function and remain fairly stable, however we reserve the right to break things in unexpected ways in order to be able to avoid this in the future. Please report any issues you find in the issue queue.

July 5th 2022 update no news for the 2.x version has come out for a while, this has mostly been due to incompatibility between the translation system of Yoast.js (the underlying library we use) and Drupal. Yoast has been making it easier working around this but we're unfortunately waiting for a new version of the underlying library after a change in repository structure on Yoast's side.

Support the project on ContributeStarting at €100 per year you support the development of the roadmap. An Open Collective is a novel way to support open source by sharing expenses and letting the community chip in. Happy users At we write a lot of content and we’re constantly looking to improve the pages we already have. The Real-time SEO for Drupal module makes this a lot easier. It helps us improve our writing for SEO, but also increases the readability of our articles. This is already a module we can’t live without!

- Rutger Leeuwenkuijl, e-Commerce Shop Manager at T-Mobile Netherlands

Disclaimer: Although build using YoastSEO.js, this module is not affiliated with Yoast.

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Module Summary
The Real-time SEO module for Drupal helps optimize content around keywords in a natural, non-spam way to improve search engine rankings and user experience.
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