Module Description
Entity Migrate Export (EME) is a Drupal (8|9|10) to Drupal (8|9|10) migration generator tool. With this module, you are able to export entity instances of the specified content entity types into migrations. Every content entity referred by a reference field will also be included.

EME generates a module with a set of migration plugin definitions and data sources. After installing the generated module (its name defaults to eme_content), you will be able to import the entities (e.g. nodes, files, media, comments etc) with Migrate Tools or with Drush 10.4.0+.

This module does not depend on any contrib module. However, the generated migrations (and the module as well) require Migrate Plus.

Usage Exporting content
From UI
* Visit the Settings form at /admin/config/development/entity-export/settings and customize the default settings based on your needs.
* Go to the export form at /admin/config/development/entity-export, select which type of entities do you want to export to migrations, and submit the form.
* At the end of the batch process, you will get the generated migration module.

With Drush
* drush eme:export \ --id my_project_dev \ --types node,block_content This is equivalent to:

drush eme:export \ --module my_project_dev_content \ --group my_project_dev \ --id-prefix my_project_dev \ --types node,block_content \ --name 'My Project Dev Content Entity Migration' \ --destination modules/custom

Import the migrations 

* Install Migrate Tools and Migrate Plus.
* Enable the generated module (its default name is eme_migrate).
* Execute the migrations with the group name (group defaults to eme): drush migrate:import --tag my_project_dev --execute-dependencies

Update previous export
From UI
* Go to the collection form at /admin/config/development/entity-export/collection.
* Press the "Reexport" button of the collection you want to update with new content.

With Drush
* drush eme:export --update my_project_dev_content

Project Usage
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Version Available
Module Summary
Entity Migrate Export (EME) module solves the problem of exporting entity instances of specified content entity types into migrations in Drupal (8|9|10), including all content entities referred by a reference field.
Data Name



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