Module Description
Allows to link to current user actions without the explicit user id: Provides user ID (UID) neutral user action paths ("user/current/*") and redirects to the current user path by replacing current with the UID. Also adds an "Edit my account" link (new "user/edit" path) to the user menu for logged in users.

Typical problems solved:
* You'd like to link to the currently logged user edit page, but with Drupal core only you'd have to enter the user id (UID) because it's part of the user edit URL: user/{UID}/edit
* You'd like to link to other user related actions (user/*/*) for the currently logged in user, like user/{UID}/tracker, user/{UID}/submissions, user/{UID}/shortcuts, user/{UID}/scheduled, ...

Solutions provided: Simply use this module and one of the following paths:

* user/edit (current user edit) - also provided as default menu entry in the user menu - only visible for logged in users
* user/current/{action} (user/current/tracker, user/current/submissions, user/current/shortcuts, user/current/scheduled, ...)

Similar projects:
* (Drupal 6 & 7)
* (Drupal 8, no "Edit my account" menu item)

Development proudly sponsored by German Drupal Friends & Companies: webks: websolutions kept simple ( and DROWL: Drupalbasierte Lösungen aus Ostwestfalen-Lippe (OWL), Germany (

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Module Summary
This module provides user ID neutral user action paths and an 'Edit my account' link for logged in users, simplifying linking to current user actions without needing to know the explicit user ID.
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