Module Description
This module creates an animated scroll to elements.

Single and multiple hashes in the URL are allowed. This are some correct URLs:


The scroll speed, pause, correction and easing can be set per element (see below).

Default settings can be set on /admin/config/animate-scroll-to/settings

The settings can be overridden per element with the following attributes:

* data-scroll-speed
(value in milliseconds, standard default is 600)

* data-scroll-pause
(value in milliseconds, standard default is 3000)

* data-scroll-correction
(value in pixels, standard default is 0)

* data-scroll-easing
(value as string, standard default is 'swing')

For example:

<p id="scrollToMe" data-scroll-speed="400" data-scroll-pause="8000" data-scroll-correction="150" data-scroll-easing="linear"> Hello world! </p> <p id="AndToMe" data-scroll-speed="300" data-scroll-pause="6000" data-scroll-correction="100" data-scroll-easing="swing"> Hello world! </p> <p id="AlsoToMe" data-scroll-speed="200" data-scroll-pause="4000" data-scroll-correction="200" data-scroll-easing="linear"> Hello world! </p> Since 8.x-1.0-alpha3 states are added to the elements through data attributes:

* [data-scroll-state="will-become-active"] -> When the element will become active sometime.
* [data-scroll-state="is-becoming-active"] -> When the page is scrolling to the element.
* [data-scroll-state="is-active"] -> When the scrolling has been stopped and it is the current element.
* [data-scroll-state="was-active"] -> When the element was visible earlier while scrolling.

Drupal 9 The module is tested in Drupal 9. If you have trouble using this module in Drupal 9, please create an issue in the issue queue.

Project Usage
Creation Date
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Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to solve the issue of creating animated scroll effects to specific elements on a webpage, with the ability to customize scroll speed, pause, correction, and easing settings per element.
Data Name



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