Module Description
Synchronize forms to Drupal nodes and leverage the best of both worlds. Forms may either be embedded in Drupal content using Entity Reference Fields or displayed on their own path.

Forms may be set to have default values and if the Token module is enabled, these values can dynamically use Drupal data via tokens.

Submitted forms display either a thank you message or redirect to another another page. When embedded, the embedded form is replaced with the thank you message for a clear user experience.

Installation: This module has non-Drupal php dependencies:

* OAUTH2 Formassembly
* Symfony DomCrawler

It therefore needs to be installed with Composer: composer require 'drupal/formassembly:^1.0' If you are new to Composer, I strongly recommend you use Drupal Composer or a related project to manage your code until the new Composer initiative works it all out.

This module also has a Drupal dependency: Map Widget

Optional Extensions
* scrivo/highlight.php: Allows form html to be displayed for inspection on the entity edit form.
* gajus/dindent: If you use scrivio/highlight, adding this library will make the form html easier to read.
* Token: Use tokens to send drupal data as pre-filled form parameters.
* Key: Securely store your oauth credentials

Drupal 7:
* Required:
* Entity API

* Suggested:
* Entity reference
* Token

Note about Security
This module trusts in the security of the FormAssembly service, adding html, css and javascript as native elements into your Drupal site. Site builders should stay informed about Formassembly security while making use of this module.

Project Usage
Creation Date
Changed Date
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to synchronize forms to Drupal nodes, allowing for the embedding of forms in Drupal content using Entity Reference Fields or displaying them on their own path, with the ability to set default values and dynamically use Drupal data via tokens, and displaying thank you messages or redirecting to another page upon form submission for a clear user experience.
Data Name



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