Module Description
Integrates with drupal. Simply add a text field and choose 'Font Awesome iconpicker' as the widget.

Info 3.x-dev replaced itsjavi/fontawesome-iconpicker library with AppoloDev/vanilla-icon-picker

Make sure you follow installation instruction in if you are using 3.x branch.

Install Notes:
Apart from normal procedure to enable drupal modules, you would have to download the library located at

Please download the library from the above location and put it in libraries folder. After that unzip and rename the folder to 'fontawesome-iconpicker' (i.e. remove the version suffix). After you do it, the fontawesome-iconpicker.js file should be available at /sites/all/libraries/fontawesome-iconpicker/dist/js/fontawesome-iconpicker.js.

Composer Installation for 3.x Adjust your root composer.json to include vanilla-icon-picker library as shown in the highlighted section of this gist

Make sure you have druapl-library installer path configured to point to your libraries folder. For this you would need composer/installers plugin and configure your composer.json as shown in the highlighted section here

Run composer require drupal/fontawesome_iconpicker ^3

The above adds the Drupal module and the vanilla-icon-picker library in the correct location.

Known Issue
#2917956: Uncaught TypeError: f.getClientRects is not a function Fix - Use fontawesome-iconpicker library version 1.3.1 in D8.4

Font Awesome Icons(Full Support) This module provides integration with fontawesome library. Unless you want to add the fontawesome library manually, this is the recommended way to use it.

Icon API(Limited Support) This module provides integration for icon bundles and icon providers throughout Drupal. "Font Awesome Iconpicker" supports only one provider at the moment (fontawesome obviously).

Micon Provides functionality for adding icon packages to Drupal and exposing them for use via CSS, HTML classes, and programmatically. Migration path to Micon can be found at

D8 port status - #2838482: Drupal 8 Port of Font Awesome Iconpicker Assigned to: D34dMan

Project Usage
Creation Date
Changed Date
Security Covered
Covered By Security Advisory
Version Available
Module Summary
This module aims to integrate the Font Awesome iconpicker library with Drupal, allowing users to easily add icons to their content by selecting from a predefined list.
Data Name



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